Thursday, June 21, 2012

Playing Catch-Up

It's been a long time since I've properly updated this blog...too long.  Now it's time to play catch-up.  I will try to organize all I have to share in the next few posts.

Before I get on with it, I should explain something about some of the photos that I will be posting.  As a volunteer with the NPS, one of the services I offer is taking photos.  As per NPS policies, any photos that I take while I'm officially "on the clock" belong to the park.  But, I don't want that to prevent me from sharing them with y'all.

To (half-heartedly) cover my bases, some of the images that will be on my blog from now on will be watermarked in the bottom left-hand corner with "Property of NPS".  So, don't steal those photos because they don't actually belong to me!  As far as any of the others, so long as you are not explicitly claiming to have taken them and you aren't making money off of them (without cutting me in, of course), I don't care what you do with them.

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