Thursday, June 21, 2012

Return of the Green Heron

While I'm here, I might as well keep things at home for a few minutes...

The Green Herons have returned to Springwoods Lake! 

This is one of my early favorites, and I have missed seeing these critters over the winter---they winter down in Florida (as well as Mexico and S. America).

I was excited when I started seeing them again.  They roost near Otter Island.  Last summer every time I paddled down there I scared up a couple.  I even had one kukking at me when I was exploring Otter Island.

Here is one fishing from my next-door neighbor's dock.  This video also provides a little insight as to why people who leave fishing line lying about should be hanged.

One really awesome thing about these birds is that the will actually fish for their food.  They have been known to take a bug or a piece of bread and place it on the surface of the water then sit back and wait for the fish to come up to eat it...then they strike!  What fabulous creatures!  (You can find videos on YouTube of them doing this.)

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