Monday, June 25, 2012

Birds Galore!

If you are not interested in my feathered friends (Sarah), skip this post!  :-)

Some of these photos are not great, and I've only included them because I want to keep track of what I've seen.  As far as "Life birds", I don't count birds that I saw before I every paid attention as birds that have been seen.

Around Springwoods Lake

The Canada Geese are multiplying.  Aren't they ugly? :-)

A swift swallow.  Perhaps a Northern Rough-winged?

Suspected Rough-wing

Suspected juvenile Rough-wing

Around Campus
 I ran into quite a flock of Cedar Waxwings while walking out to my car one afternoon.  I just happened to have my camera on me.  The Mockingbird was none-to-thrilled about the visitors.

Cedar Waxwing on Greene St.

Mockingbird on Greene St.
 In Shreveport (or there 'bouts)
I saw some old favorites and picked up a few life birds when I was back in Louisiana in May.
Juvenile Orchard Oriole (Lifer)

Carolina Wren

Red-winged Blackbird
Chipping Sparrow
White-breasted Nuthatch
Great Crested Flycatcher (Lifer)

Black-throated Green Warbler (Lifer)

Magnolia Warbler (Lifer)
Black-and-white Warbler (Lifer)

Baltimore Oriole --- Lifer for me and Dibs (a.k.a., Eva)!
American Redstart (Lifer)

  On to CONG!
Birding with Ranger Kathleen
Hooded Warblers:
Male Hooded Warbler (Lifer)

This Hooded Warbler nest was just only about a foot off the boardwalk and in perfect position to peer down into.  We did not advertise its location and pretty much all of the visitors passed by without noticing or disturbing.  
Hooded Warbler nesting

There were a total of 4 eggs laid.  They hatched while I was in Louisiana.  The chicks were about a week old the day before I returned to the park when a violent thunderstorm disrupted their little existence.  Too sad. :-(
Hooded Warbler eggs
 Northern Parulas:

This is a neat progression of images.  These two Parulas were chasing each other all over the forest.  One paused on a limb and as I was about to get my shot, the other dove in.  They latched together and somersaulted towards the ground.  Not great pictures, but a neat moment to catch.  This was either mating behavior (my bet), or territorial pissings.

The two above actually hit the ground.  It was too weird!  A couple seconds later, this little guy popped up.  The other, a female I expect, took off.

Black-throated Blue Warbler (Lifer) [Carolina Chickadee in the foreground]

Pine Warbler
Pine Warbler - How cute is that?!?!

 Prairie Warbler (Lifer): Not a rare bird, but the only one seen in the park this year as far as I know.  I saw him two weekends in a row at the same campsite.

 Red-shouldered Hawk Nest:
Red-shouldered Hawk sitting on a nest high up in a Bald-cypress
Red-shouldered Hawklette

Red-shouldered Hawklette

White-eyed Vireo

Barred Owl

 Pileated Woodpecker

Indigo Bunting (Lifer)

 Other Randomness:
Cardinal Nesting

Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Towhee

Gray Catbird (Lifer)

White Ibis
Juvenile White Ibis

Summer Tanager (Lifer)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Lifer)

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Lifer)

1 comment:

  1. Really loved seeing your birds and hearing them too!
    So glad you are camping in the CONG often and really enjoying your surroundings and meeting fun and interesting people. Proud of you, sweet Laura1
