Thursday, June 21, 2012

You Otter See This!

I've reported in previous blogs that there is an otter that lives in my lake.  I've even provided photographic evidence!  But, the images have been less than satisfying---so much so that I've named the otter Nessy.  Well, I was out on the dock early one evening a while back and I managed to collect some evidence that even the most aggressive naysayer cannot deny!  It seems that as long as I don't make too much of a racket and don't bounce around a whole lot, Nessy could care less about my presence in his world.  In this video I had the camera zoomed in too close making for some pretty crummy videography, but Nessy swam right up to me then disappeared under the dock!

A few weeks later I was out in the kayak doing a little bit of fishing.  I was floating around in the little creek that drains into the lake when I looked up and saw Nessy rooting around on an island right in front of me.  As the boat floated to within just a few feet of him, I grouped around trying to get my camera out of the dry bag.  He had his back to me but realized I was there just as I was getting my hands on the camera, and he dove into a hole next to him, an entrance to his den I presume. 

I was going to leave things be at this point, I didn't want to stress out my new friend.  But then I noticed a huge blackberry bush right behind his entryway!


Naturally, I pulled in to pick some berries and explore the little island.  Here's Ol' Blue on Otter Island.

Ol' Blue Pulled In on Otter Island

Now, I don't know if this is the location of the actual den, but it's definitely one of Nessy's favorite spots.  I usually paddle barefoot, and when I'm on the lake at home, I just leave my shoes on the dock.  As I walked around the island, especially near Nessy's escape route, I had to watch my step.  Nessy had left little landmines everywhere! 

Otter Watch Your Step Around Here!

The berries were small and tart, and I ended up not eating those that I bothered to pick, but it was a good excuse to get a look at the escape hatch.

Otter Escape Hatch & Suspected Den Entrance

 A few minutes later I saw Nessy leisurely swimming off toward the lake.  I don't think he was too disturbed by my visit, and I ran into him a few more times that evening as I paddled around the lake.  Satisfied by the experience, I got back in the 'yak and left Otter Island behind to continue my fishing venture.

Otter Island

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