Thursday, January 5, 2012

The moonlight sailor

I walked out back of the house this evening, it's a beautiful night--bright moon, lots of stars. When I walked into the yard I heard a huge kerplunk-splash. Kinda freaked me out a bit (but don't tell anyone, I've a reputation to protect). I couldn't imagine what might have done it, certainly nothing smaller than a 10 pound turtle, and it's awfully dark and cold for any of those guys to be sun bathing. I don't know what their nocturnal habits are, but I haven't seen any that big anyway. (I keep hoping a couple of gators will show up in the lake. I think I'm just barely too far north, so there might be a random one hanging out here and there.)

Anyway, I walk out on the dock and see the ripples from the splash spreading out, but it's a good 30-35 feet from where it originated and still going strong. Then, I realize I'm actually looking at a wake. Something is swimming, arcing around my dock, then doubling back and going the other direction. Back and forth, closing in on the dock, closer and closer with each pass. At first it stayed in the dark reflection of the trees on the other side of the lake. I could tell it wasn't a bird, at least none that I know of anyway. I had my speculations, which were confirmed when the otter got closer, swimming out of the reflection of the trees and gliding through the night sky. By now I was sitting on the dock (of the bay) watching him circle around just a few feet from me. So close, so cool! After a while he got over his curiosities about me and dove under. A few seconds later I heard him surface inches below me under the dock. A few more seconds and off the bank to my left a disgruntled duck, rudely aroused from his slumber, tore off across the water. Then there he was, silhouetted against the reflected moonlight, making his way down the lake as if he were playing connect the dots with the tiny, watery specks of starlight. One day I'll see him properly and will get a great photo!

I think this little guy (or gal) needs a name.

UPDATE:  I went out again a few minutes after I originally posted this entry.  The (still nameless) otter was back on the bank and again splashed his way into the water  to announce my arrival.  He followed his same path, swimming around the dock, but only when around and back once.  I was able to snap some shots of him, but they are pretty crappy given that it was dark and I don't actually know how to use my camera.  I hope I didn't stress him out too much.  This is the best I've got, and it looks better on the camera itself...

It might help if you squint your eyes a little. :-)

So, that's not great, but it's a little better than the only picture I had previously managed, taken with my phone...

With this photo my little otter was dubbed Nessy
So, maybe Nessy is the right name.  He certainly seems to be elusive enough!

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