Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mystery Resolved

After some discussion and collaboration with others, we've decided that my guest geese are probably Blue-Phase Snow Geese.  If so, they are a little out of range.  I had not seen them again until this morning when one of them swam up to my dock with some Canada geese.  I was out before jetting off to school because I had spied the Hooded Mergansers playing about my dock (short video of them below).  This time I was able to get some decent photos.

I added a quick video of the Hooded Mergansers preening, but the Blogger retained almost no video quality.  I thought about leaving it up for later comparison, but thought better of it.  It's a shame it wasn't two days later.  I'm waiting for my new camera to arrive tomorrow night, then I should be able to take awesome photos and videos!

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