Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Captions Contest

One thing that I worry about with these blogs is that they put my semi-private thoughts out there in the World Wide Web. I try not to post anything that is too controversial or anything that I would regret if it "got out". I don't worry much about this, but I do make it a point not to post either of my blogs on Facebook or the like.

The main thing is that I don't want my students coming across them. This is a good outlet for me to express and share concerns, triumphs, fears, etc., and I don't need my students having that kind of access to my private life. Kinda funny coming from me considering the close relationships and friendships that I developed with my undergrad professors!

Anyway, I've run a few Google searches to see if anything comes up. The last one I tried was "Laura McCormick kayaking", and the blog did not come up, so I think I'm pretty safe for now. But, one thing that did pop up was this (check out contest #6):

This was a captions contest run through Paddling Life, an electronic paddling magazine. I had forgotten that I had submitted an entry. I don't remember when I sent it in, but it was sometime before I moved to SC. I never received any type of notification from them, so I just sent them an email. I forget what I've won. Probably a pair of Tevas---that's the prize for the current contest, and it sounds kinda familiar. Good timing, I've pretty much walked through the two pairs of Mions that I have and I can't find replacements anywhere!!!

1 comment:

  1. Since you wrote "Laura McCormick kayaking" on the blog, it will probably now come up in a google search.
