Monday, January 16, 2012

Hiking/Birding in Congaree National Park

I spent most of the day in Congaree National Park yesterday.  I stopped too often to watch birds to be able to say that I was hiking, and I made too much noise to be able to say that I was birding.  So, I'm not sure what I was doing.  But, I got plenty of pictures. :-)

I saw a few Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers.

And a ton of Red-Bellied Woodpeckers.

A beautiful Northern "Yellow-Shafted" Flicker:

I don't know what this is (now known to be a Winter Wren), but it is so adorable!

And there were several others little guys, but the pictures are probably not worth subjecting y'all to. 

Now, for the grand finale!  Congaree National Park serves as a breeding ground for a number of bird species.  It's an International Biosphere Reserve, and a designated Globally Important Bird Area.  One of the species that breeds in CNP is the Pileated Woodpecker.  I saw 5 or 6 of these guys.  One wasn't concerned about me at all, and was completely focused on breakfast!

This one was quite concerned by my presence, and flew off soon after I took this photo.

I'll be sending the above photo to the park for use on their website/newsletter.

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