Friday, March 23, 2012

Around the House - Photofest

No substantial narrative today.  Just a big photofest!

A few days ago I promised to try to get a photo of Jupiter and Venus rising over the lake.

Great Blue Heron

When I walk out my front door (which is, of course, on the side of the house) on those mornings when I leave after the sun has risen, I always peek into the backyard to see if anything is hanging out.  I've caught Hooded Mergansers, Green Herons, Great Egrets, and Blue Herons this way.  A couple of days ago I spied Mr. Blue by the dock.  He started walking along the shore, so I grabbed my camera and stalked him until he caught on and flew away.

Sittin' on the dock of the Lake the other evening, I almost got some great shots of Mr. Blue's takeoff.  Unfortunately, the red rail of the neighbor's dock was in the way.  Still pretty neat shots though.

I did get some really cool action shots a day or two later.

The other night while I was fishing I hear something explode up out of the water.  I watched the bird fly up into the trees near by as I wrenched my camera out of my pack. 

I figured it was a hawk, but since it couldn't seem to sit still for any extended period of time, I soon got another look and saw that it was an Osprey. 


 Female Red-Winged Blackbirds

I had to look these gals up.  I didn't know they were so different from the males.  Pretty precious for Blackbirds.

 Brown Thrasher

SOOO active right now!  I see them all the time!

Other Critters

Turtles are everywhere right now!

Robert says this is a Sunfish.  I disagree.  I think a Clown Loach had its way with a bass.

Frog.  Green.

Spider.  Gives me the willies!

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