Sunday, October 14, 2012

Congaree Social (sort of)

Adventure Carolina is a paddle shop/outfitter/rental company here in Columbia.  Every Wednesday evening they hold the Congaree Social.  This is an opportunity for people (prospective buyers theoretically) to try out various equipment and boats.  You call up, make a reservation, and tell them what boats you want to try.  Then they meet you for a couple of hours on the Congaree and let you play. 

A group of us from the park made a reservation and headed to the river just downstream from the Gervais street bridge (where we took out on our tubing trip).  While we were headed there we got a very last minute call, and the AC guy had to cancel because he had contracted pink eye.  Why it was so last minute, we still don't know, but we met at the river anyway.  I still had my boats on the car from a trip I had taken a couple of days before, so we decided that we might as well have some fun.

Carrying the boats to the water

There were seven of us, and only two kayaks, so we all took turns.  Vikki and Brian set out on the river first.

Vikki and Brian

While they were paddling near by, we spotted little frogs along the river bank, and they kept us entertained for quite a while.

Karen, Daniel, and Julianne searching for frogs

Daniel, after the frogs lost his attention. 

Vikki and Brian came back in and we switched out paddlers.

The great paddler shuffle

Daniel and Julianne headed upstream to tackle the rapids near the bridge.

Daniel and Julianne heading upstream

Here's a nice shot of the Gervais Street bridge.  It is a pretty recognizable Columbia landmark.  This is the third bridge build in the location (the first burned during the Civil War), and it is on the National Registry of Historic Places.

Paddling towards the historic Gervais St bridge

And another shot with the bridge.

Karen and Julianne

After goofing off for a while, we took the boats and a couple of bags of litter that we had picked up back to the car and topped off the night with dinner out.

A couple of weeks later we did manage to hook up with Adventure Carolina for a proper Congaree Social, but I have no photos of that trip.

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