Saturday, September 29, 2012

David and Elizabeth visit Columbia!

David, ElizaBEST, and Eva visited for a couple of days earlier in the summer on their way to North Carolina.  When they got in we hung out at the house, did some fishing, and more-or-less just relaxed. 

Eliz enjoying the spoils of the day.  The sweet potato fries makes it healthy!
The next day I took them to campus.  David, Eva and I picked up some coffee and wondered around while Eliz went for a run. 

Relaxing on the Horseshoe.

Jesus rays!
When Elizabeth was sufficiently worked out we stopped by my office the headed to the CONG.

David did some trail running, but got turned around and ended up back at the visitors center too soon.  So, we headed out on the boardwalk.  It was a brisk walk as we were trying to keep the mosquitoes off of Eva.  If you stop walking in the floodplain during the summer, you're a goner for sure!

David got to meet one of my favorite trees, a 650 (appx) year old Bald Cypress that was most likely spared the saw in the early 1900's because of the bulge that you see on the left.

He was later caught in the middle of some other crazy antics in the woods.

Eva got to meet her first park rangers, and was a perfect angel!

I was sad to see them go when their short visit came to an end, but they will be back!

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