Monday, February 6, 2012

Lake Murray

Yesterday I went out to Lake Murray northwest of town.  Lake Murray was built in the1930's for hydro-electric generation.  I went with a girl from the department and a friend of her's whose mother has a house on the lake.  They each brought their children, ages 6 and 5 resp.

Lake Murray

The lake was nice enough, but being a major recreational destination, was very well populated.  There weren't too many people on the water, but the area of the lake that we were in was lined with houses and included a marina.

Holly (and Josie) paddling.

The marina

We were able to find a bit of the "wilderness charm" when we went back through one of the "fingers" of the lake.  The surrounding land, we think, is owned by South Carolina Gas & Electric (SCG&E).  Our path narrowed and we eventually reached a blockade that we could not (as a group) get through.

We didn't spend much time on the water, and we didn't traverse much area.  Not a bad trip, but I much prefer a low-key jaunt on a river or stream that is more isolated from the "real world".  The lake is pretty convenient, so I expect I'll be heading back out there again before too long.  At 78 square miles and 649 miles of shoreline, I'm sure I will be able to find an area of the lake to fall in love with.

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