Friday, June 10, 2011

'Yak Rack

I am an immediate gratification type of person.  I want what I want when I want it.  Or, if I have it, I want to play with it!  But, I've got a teeny car.  Her name is Cassie, short for Midnight Dancing Cascades.  Cassie and I have been together for a little over 4 and a half years.  She was three miles old when I got her, and we've had a great time together for a bit more than 104,000 miles so far.  I expect we will be together for at least another 150K.  I think I've had her oil changed professionally once (maybe twice), and I've had to send her in for new tires from time to time.  Other than that, no one else has touched her, and she is still running perfectly.  I should take her in for a well-car checkup, but that might jinx our good fortune.  So, all of this is to say that I'm not complaining... but Cassie simply can't handle a couple of 10 foot kayaks without help, she wasn't built for that and I wouldn't expect it of her.

So, I did research.  I did a lot of research.  I wanted to play with the 'yaks, but I couldn't get them anywhere, so I was eager.  I never realized how specific (and expensive) post production car racks are.  I found a 'yak rack that I liked, but I had to get a base system to attach it to.  In the end I ordered the 'yak rack, the base rack, and the base rack fit kit from three different companies and then had to wait for everything to come in.  It all shipped pretty quickly (save for relativity, of course), and I just barely missed having it all set up for last weekend.  The last parts came in last Saturday, but I couldn't get them until Monday. 

But, we are all set now.  The rack system is on and seems to be working well.  It drives nicely around town at least.  I'm apprehensive, due to a previous near disaster on the interstate with these babies last fall.  I'm sure having witnessed many McCormick debacles as a child doesn't help with the anxiety either.  The first real test will take place in about an hour.  I've got the 'yaks loaded, and I will be heading to Monroe this afternoon.  Tomorrow, my Uncle Mike and I will watch the sun rise over Black Bayou Lake.  But, I'll save that for my next entry. 

Meanwhile, how frickin' awesome does Cassie look with her new accessories?  Yes, I know, many people have commented on the 'yaks being bigger than the car.  In that case, Cassie is happy to be an accessory for the boats.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you name your car, I want to hear more about these McCormick debacles.
